Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mediterranean Cruise Anyone?

With winter quickly approaching, I was day dreaming about the warmth of the sun and the beautiful site of white sanded beaches. Then I thought, "Hey why not look at cruises in the Mediterranean?"

I would love to start in Athens, Greece surrounded by four majestic mountains. The many sites of ancient Greece, and the many restaurants and museums fill me with a sense of history and pleasure. Just thinking about the architectural masterpieces like Acropolis and Parthenon make me want to jump on that ship tomorrow. Then there's the food that will keep me wanting more.

The next stop will be Cairo, Egypt. I have this fascination with the pyramids and how they are built. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World for gosh sakes. How amazing would it be to walk through the local markets with the shops and vendors. It is such a diverse culture that I don't want to miss.

Then I'll stop in Italy, Spain, Jordan and Turkey, just to name a few. I want to indulged in the rich and exotic cultures that each country offers.

Let's explore these wonderous cultures together. Anyone visit any of these countries? Share!

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