Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mediterranean Diet

When don't we hear the word diet? It's a daily occurrence to try and find the "new" and "improved" diet tricks. But lately the Mediterranean diet has become very popular.

The Mediterranean diet doesn't focus on what you can't eat, but what you can eat. The main staples include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, yogurt, olive oil, legumes, sea food, and small portions of wine. AVOIDING processed foods. Eating smaller portions of good food, such as nuts and olive oil, to keep you fuller longer without the large portions of food. Substitute vegetables in place of a large piece of meat. Eat fruit for dessert.

Sounds good on paper, but can it really be that easy? I personally hate seafood and yogurt. But the health benefits and weight lose sound like this is worth trying.

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